

第1个回答  2023-02-17
My View on Reducing Carbon Emission
  Billion tons of carbon dioxide is let off into the air each year, which in part cause global warming and climate changes. Life on this planet will be gravely affected unless we take measures to reduce carbon emission. To achieve this aim, I think the entire society should form the concept of energy-saving and do what we can in our daily life.
  First, replace the traditional electric bulbs with the energy-saving ones. By saving energy this way, we can reduce a lot of Carbon emission. Second, choose public transportation instead of driving your own car. We can imagine that the fewer cars on the road, the less carbon dioxide will be emitted into the air. Third, when you are shopping, select the goods with simple package. If we select the goods with simple package, we will produce less garbage and thus reduce carbon emission resulting from burning the garbage. And don't forget to use recyclable bags instead of plastic ones when shopping.
  Therefore, reducing carbon emission in our daily life is very easy. As long as we all make efforts to do that every day, we can help to reduce billion tons of carbon emission every year.
