

第1个回答  2024-05-01
Drip, as a verb, refers to the act of liquid dripping down, water dripping, being soaked, full, dripping, causing to drip, overflowing. As a noun, it can mean a droplet, a worthless person, a dripping sound, a water drip, a dripping eave, a drip trough, a dripping sound, a ticking sound, a drip feeder.
1. Drip feed: refers to a device used for controlled release of liquid, such as a drip irrigation system.
2. Drip mat: a mat used to catch drips, often placed under a container to prevent mess.
3. Drip pan: a pan designed to catch and collect drips, often used under appliances or vehicles to catch leaks.
4. Drip tray: a tray used to collect drips, commonly used as a catchment under machinery or appliances.
Bilingual examples:
1. With a substantial amount of money circulating, any offerings allowed by the stock market regulator will still be greatly outpaced by demand, fueling excessive enthusiasm for new listings.
2. The brother said, "Yes." His tears flowed continuously, welling up and overflowing, rolling down from his eyelids, drip by drip.
3. He knelt there, allowing the drip, drip to slowly fill his makeshift "cup" as the sun beat down on his little back.
4. If the pressure relief valve continues to drip water, even at reduced pressure, flush the relief valve by quickly raising the lever several times. If the dripping continues, replace the relief valve. (See caution below.)