20190224 occasional


第1个回答  2022-06-28


adj. occasional means happening sometimes, but not regularly or often. 偶尔的,间或的,有时发生的  usu ADJ n

happening sometimes but not often or regularly


occasion是名词,有很多个意思,比如“场合,时机,特别时刻”。形容词形式occasional意思比较单一,是“偶尔的”,常用,好用。副词形式occasionally。当我们想要表达某个现象偶然才出现或某个事件偶然才发生,可以用occasional或occasionally替代sometimes, from time to time, every now and then。


1. Johnny Chan is a formidable poker player and only loses very occasionally.

formidable (great or impressive, often frightening) adj. 可怕的,令人敬畏的

2. Although I am well traveled, I have mostly visited different parts of my own country. I have traveled abroad only occasionally. / Although I am well traveled, I have mostly visited different parts of my own country and have made only occasional overseas trips.

3. An occasional plane passes overhead, perhaps to La Guardian, perhaps to JFK. La Guardia和JFK是纽约的两大机场。

4. He occasionally regretted the shame he had brought on his family, but for his victims and their relatives he felt nothing. 他偶尔会为他带给家庭的耻辱而悔恨,但对于受害者以及受害者的家人却毫无负罪感。



Lucy is good at landscape painting, but occasionally she does oil painting. (自己)

Lucy is especially good at traditional Chinese landscape painting, but occasionally she does oils too. / Though an expert on traditional Chinese landscape painting, Lucy does occasional oil painting too. (参考翻译)



Even though she is busy, she occasionally exercises in the gym near her office./ even though she is busy, she takes occasional exercise in the gym near her office.