英语翻译: 同学们把我送到医院。在住院期间,有许多同学来看我,给我送礼物并且帮我复习功课。过了许久

英语翻译: 同学们把我送到医院。在住院期间,有许多同学来看我,给我送礼物并且帮我复习功课。过了许久,我返校了,我很快的赶上了其他同学,并且所有考试都通过了。另外,我非常感谢同学们对我的帮助,今后我也会帮助别人的。

第1个回答  2013-11-25
The students take me to hospital.
During hospitalization, there are many students come to see me, give me a gift and help me to review your lessons.
After a long time, I back to school, I soon caught up with other students, and all passed the exam.
In addition, I would like to thank the students for helping me, I also can help others in the future.
第2个回答  2013-11-25
The students sent me to the hospital. In the hospital, there are many students come to see me, to give the gift to me and help me to review the lessons. After a long time, I returned to school, I soon caught up with the other students, and passed all the test. In addition, I am very grateful to the help of students, in the future I will help others.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2013-11-25

They sent me to the hospital. In the hospital, there are many students come to see me, to give the gift to me and help me to review the lessons. After a long time, I returned to school, I soon caught up with the other students, and allpassed the test. In addition, I am very grateful to the help of students, in the future I will help others.
第4个回答  2013-11-25

10月的溧水秋高气爽,阳光明媚,鲜花斗艳,到处洋溢着丰收的喜悦。刘小华同学家里欢声笑语,人头攒动。四年级一班班长王唐唐 ,副班长张宝在体育委员欧阳孟楠,文艺委员李美丽的陪同下,不远千米,深入到患感冒发低烧的班级普通成员刘小华家中调研,为他带去了节日的问候和良好的祝愿。

王班长与张副班长兴致勃勃的参观了刘小华的房间,饶有兴致的玩了四盘“魂斗罗”游戏,与普通同学同乐。接着班级领导与刘小华双亲亲切的拉起了家常。王班长还愉快的回忆起去年和刘小华考试一起作弊的往事。在交谈中,王班长多次关心的强调:“刘小华生病了,就不要做作业,好好休息,身体是**的本钱嘛”刘小华激动的说:“谢谢班长的关心,我一定战胜病魔,克服一切kun难,争取早日回到温暖的大集体中,回到亲爱的老师和同学们中间”。 班长握住刘小华同学的手亲切的问:这里打针要多少钱啊?能报销多少? 小华说:3块钱,能报销1.3元, 班长又说:家里能负担的起吗? 小华又说:能负担得起,谢谢班里的好政策和班长的关心,让我打得起针,过上幸福快乐的好日子…… 会谈始终在亲切友好的气氛中进行,班领导就刘小华的疾病达成了广泛的共识,目前,病人及家属情绪稳定。 王班长强调:世界上只有一个学校,班级是学校不可分割的一部分。 刘小华同学表示要用“3个代表”伟大思想武装自己,抵抗病魔。要紧紧团结在以班主任为核心的班集体周围,一心一意抓学习,聚精会神谋发展…… 接着,王班长一行又在刘小华家门口兴致勃勃的踢起了毽子。蓝天如洗,鸟儿也受到了温暖的感染,唧唧喳喳,歌唱美好和谐的生活。

中午,刘爸爸从三利买了热气腾腾的肉丸包子和紫菜汤,宴请了王班长一行。 席间,宾主就小学生连吃两根冰棍是否会闹肚子等问题进行了深入愉快的双边会谈。 王班长责令卫生委员:以此为鉴,一定要严把卫生关,杜绝此类事故再次发生。



第5个回答  2013-11-25
My classmates sent me to the hospital. During the time I was in the hospital, many classmates came to see me, bringing gifts, and helped me to review my lessons. after recovery I went back to school and caught up with other students, passing all the exams successfully. What's more, I would like to thank the students for helping me, in return, I also will help others in need in the