

第1个回答  2016-03-25
People often say that "reading enriches the mind", but also some people said: "it's not definitely helpful to open all books, read the book harmful" unhealthy, to this, I think that reading is a good thing, you think about it, the world's great men which one don't like to read? Liu Xiangyou maxim: a book of medicine, also good reading can cure a fool. And even the du fu said: read volumes, such as writing of god. But Shakespeare said: "the book is the nourishment of the world." I think it's right. The benefits of reading is not reflected immediately, as we this age, the benefits of reading is composition is very good, imagination is better than others. But with the change of The Times, also changed a lot books, comic books, also emerged many bad books and not very good books, game strategy books. Comic books I don't support or oppose, because a lot of people are just beginning to see the book is a comic book; As for unhealthy books, I will firmly opposed. As for the game strategy books, I neither support nor oppose, now the latest is "+ + strategy secret". This book I have ever seen, is to introduce + + the move of the elves, like, a few level evolution, properties, phase grams, the action of tips. This book occasionally look at the can, but it is not good.
Book is objective existence, there are also good bad, that is a good book will make progress! Bad books, of course, make the person step backwards! Be critical reading of the people how to see, to absorb the good things, the bad things out, and read carefully to see, not equal to not look, so it can guarantee the reading to acquire knowledge, imagination ability and writing ability will be improved.本回答被提问者采纳