

第1个回答  2015-08-19
For that your We Chat ID have run oppositly with the P/I, and all functions will be limited except for Money Bank. We kindly recommend you removing you possensions ASAP. For the use of those limited functions, please Register a new acount. (Possessions Transmission Way: We Chat --- My Account---Wallet, and Withdraw your Money)
第2个回答  2015-08-19
except for Money Bank. We kindly recommend you removing you possensions ASAP. For the use of those limited functions, please Register a new acount. (Possessions Transmission Way: We Chat --- My Account---Wallet, and Withdraw your Money
第3个回答  2015-08-19
Your We Chat account disobeyed the customer contract,every function but purse function is limited to use and it's unable to be unlimited。We suggest you to transfer the money in purse away。if you need to use the other functions in We Chat,pelase register a new account。(the way for found transfering:select “Me” in We Chat -> purse,dadaada(不会了)本回答被网友采纳