
教授您好,上次我没能清楚表达我的意思,事实上我关注的是,对于中低消费水平的餐厅,他们用什么来满足顾客的需求,从而使顾客满意。我感觉中低消费水平的餐厅由于不能拥有更好的装潢,没有更加专业的服务队伍,在经济条件限制的情况下,可能更多的是靠饭菜的特色等特殊的特点来吸引顾客。所以我很想就这个问题进行研究。 希望您能给我提些意见和建议,另外我附上我找到得几篇论文,请您看看是否合适我所表述的主题。谢谢您

第1个回答  2010-11-28
Dear Professor, last time I did not express my meaning clearly.In fact, what i concern is that, what does the restaurants of low consumption level use to meet the needs of customers, so as to meet customers' satisfaction. I feel that these restaurants can not have both better decoration and more professional service team.And in the case of such economic conditions, they may mostly attract customers by the characteristics of food and other special features . So I would like to conduct a study on this issue. I hope you can give me some comments and suggestions about it. In addition, I 'll attach several papers that i have found, please see whether it fits the theme of my presentation or not. Thank you
第2个回答  2010-11-28
Hello, professor, I believe that I did not express myself clearly the last time we talked. In fact, I am focused on the methods used by cheaper resturants to satisfy customers' needs and make them satisfied. I feel that due to the inability of cheaper resturants to afford more classy indoor decorations, lack of professional service teams, and limited financial resources, the main attraction for customers would be special factors such as special dishes ect. Therefore I wish to research about this issue, and hope that you might kindly give me some advices. Also, I have attached some of the articles I found, can you please have a brief look at them to see if they suit my topic? Thank you very much.

