

第1个回答  2023-02-05


1.You are my today and all of my tomorrows.你是我的今天和所有的明天。Live a good life meet slowly。好好生活,慢慢遇见。With me, you are the basis of everything.在我这里你是万物的依据。

2.Look at me,believe me,I will pull you ashore and love you so much.看着我 相信我 我拉你上岸 好好爱你Even if i can't tell you now i fell ,i will spend my life showing you how much i live you尽管此时此刻我无法表达自己的感情,但我会用一生的时间让你体会。

3.Company is better than detail than love.陪伴胜过言语,细节胜过情话I've blown the night wind you've blown. Then we're embracing each other?我吹过你吹过的晚风,那我们算不算相拥?

4.As the clouds dissipate,everyone knows I love you.云雾消散之际 我爱你人尽皆知I like you,like it all over the mountains.我喜欢你啊 漫山遍野的喜欢May we have long-term happiness and dreams共祝我们拥有长久的欢喜与美梦。