

第1个回答  2020-08-06
《西游记》是一个故事,里面的主要人物有唐僧、孙悟空、猪八戒和沙和尚等。我看了《西游记》,觉得唐僧是一个心地善良、是非不分的人。沙和尚任劳任怨,对师傅忠心耿耿。孙悟空忠于师傅,即使师傅错怪了他,也不变心,并且还有一个优点就是敢做敢当,敢于同邪恶的妖怪做斗争。而猪八戒却正相反,好吃懒做,糊涂愚蠢,结果自己吃了不少苦头,还险些害了师傅。Sun Wukong is loyal to his master. he has the advantage of being bold and daring to fight against evil monsters. Pig Bajie, on the other hand, was lazy, confused and stupid, and suffered a lot as a result, and almost hurt his master.Journey to the West is a story, in which the main characters are Tang Seng, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Sha Monk.After reading Journey to the West, I found Tang's monk a kind-hearted person with no distinction between right and wrong. The sand monk worked hard and was loyal to his master.