老妈说我跟男友很难走到最后,其实我们感情还可以,问她为啥这样说,就给一段英语求翻译:Male rabbit?

Male rabbit + female tiger
You will not be a very good couple. Two people have their own interests and preferences, but it is suanmianzhun com difficult for each other to find common fun.
Mr. rabbit is docile and romantic, full of dreams, and is willing to enjoy peace and leisure. Mrs. tiger is generally interested and energetic, and likes to indulge in sensory stimulation. Mr. rabbit hopes to devote himself to mental and creative work. Mrs. tiger's dynamic and violent almost makes him dizzy. As for Mrs. tiger, she hopes for a partner with distinct personality and passion, but Mr. rabbit is really indifferent in this regard. When each other encounters difficulties, your differences become more and more obvious. Mr. rabbit will hit Mrs. tiger's enthusiasm for advice because of his repeated avoidance psychology; Mrs. tiger often misses the magic tricks provided by Mr. rabbit because she doesn't concentrate enough.

Male rabbit + female tiger You will not be a very good couple. Two people have their own interests and preferences, but it is suanmianzhun com difficult for each other to find common fun. Mr. rabbit is docile and romantic, full of dreams, and is willing to enjoy peace and leisure. Mrs. tiger is generally interested and energetic, and likes to indulge in sensory stimulation. Mr. rabbit hopes to devote himself to mental and creative work. Mrs. tiger's dynamic and violent almost makes him dizzy. As for Mrs. tiger, she hopes for a partner with distinct personality and passion, but Mr. rabbit is really indifferent in this regard. When each other encounters difficulties, your differences become more and more obvious. Mr. rabbit will hit Mrs. tiger's enthusiasm for advice because of his repeated avoidance psychology; Mrs. tiger often misses the magic tricks provided by Mr. rabbit because she doesn't concentrate enough.

男兔+女虎你们不会是很好的一对。 两个人有自己的兴趣爱好,但彼此很难找到共同的乐趣。 兔先生温顺浪漫,充满梦想,乐于享受安宁与闲暇。 老虎夫人一般都很有兴趣,精力充沛,喜欢沉迷于感官刺激。 兔子先生希望能全身心投入脑力和创造性的工作。 老虎太太的动感和暴力几乎让他头晕目眩。 至于老虎太太,她希望找一个个性鲜明、热情洋溢的伴侣,而兔子先生对此却是无动于衷。 当彼此遇到困难时,你们的分歧就会越来越明显。 兔子先生会因为老虎太太一再的回避心理而打击老虎太太的求教热情; 老虎太太经常因为注意力不够集中而错过兔子先生提供的魔术。