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It was Christmas Eve. Ebenezer Scrooge was in his office, the office of Scrooge and Marley. His clerk poor Bob Cratchit, was working. Suddenly, Scrooge's young nephew came into the office.
"Hello uncle. Merry Christmas!"he said happily. "Do you want to come and have Christmas dinner with us tomorrow?"
"Christmas?" Scrooge replied. "Bah! Humbug!" Scrooge hated Christmas and he refused his nephew's invitation for dinner on Christmas Day.
His nephew went away. Later two men came to the office, asking for money for the poor.
"Bah! Are there no prisons for these people?" Scrooge refused to give even a penny.
Then, when it was time to close the office, Bob Cratchit asked for the day off, because it was Christmas.
"All right," Scrooge said, "but be here early the next morning!"
That evening Scrooge was sitting in front of his fire at home when suddenly, he saw a ghost in front of him. "who are you?" Scrooge asked nervously.
"In life, I was Jacob Marley, your partner. I am wearing these chains and I can never be in peace, because when I lived, I only thought about money. But I am here to help you. You have a chance to escape my terrible destiny. Tonight three ghosts will visit you." Then the ghost of Marley disappeared.
Scrooge went to bed and fell asleep. But in the night he woke up. The figure of a strange old man appeared near his bed.
"I am the Ghost of Christmas Past. Of your past," it told Scrooge. The ghost took Scrooge to scenes of Christmases from the past. In one scenes Scrooge saw himself as a boy at school. He was reading a book. All the other boys bad gone home for Christmas. In another scene Scrooge saw himself as a young man. He was talking to his girlfriend, who he didn't marry because she didn't have any money. Scrooge began to feel sadder and sadder.
"Stop! Show me no more!" he cried. Finally the ghost brought him home and Scrooge fell asleep again. Later that night, Scrooge woke up again.
"I am the Ghost of Christmas Present. Look at me!" said the second ghost, laughing. He was a large man with a beard, wearing a green robe. He took Scrooge to the house of Bob Cratchit and his family. It was cold in the house and Bob and his family were sitting around a very small Christmas pudding.
"What a wonderful pudding. Merry Christmas everyone!" cried Bob.
Scrooge felt sad, because he could see how poor the Cratchits were. Bob's smallest child, Tiny Tim, was weak and ill. The ghost finally took Scrooge to a very poor area of London. There were two poor children out in the street.
"Can't we do something to help these children?" he asked the ghost, who repeated what Scrooge had said before.

在一个平安夜的晚上,埃比尼泽-斯克鲁奇还在他和玛丽的办公室里。他的职员鲍伯也没有下班。突然, 斯克鲁奇的小侄子闯进了办公室。
“叔叔,圣诞快乐” 他侄子兴奋的喊着,“明天要不要和我们一起过圣诞节啊?”
“他妈的,这些人都应该关进监狱。” 斯克鲁奇一分钱都没给他们。
生前,我是你的搭档雅各布。但我一直生活在煎熬之中,从来没有平静过。因为那个时候我的眼中只有金钱。今晚,我是来帮你的。你将有机会逃离我那样悲惨的命运。三个鬼魂会在今晚来看你的,哈哈哈。 说完,雅各布就消失了。
“停,我不要再看了。” 斯克鲁奇大声的叫嚷道。后来,那个鬼离开了,斯克鲁奇又一次进入了梦乡。不一会,他又被惊醒了。
“要不我们做点什么帮帮这些孩子?” 斯克鲁奇忍不住重复了那个鬼刚刚说的话。
第1个回答  2011-10-30
这是圣诞夜.斯克鲁奇是在他的办公室,办公室的史克鲁奇和马利所有.鲍勃Cratchit店员贫穷,在工作.突然,司克洛奇的小外甥走进办公室。  “你好,叔叔.圣诞快乐!”他高兴地说。”你想要来吃圣诞晚餐,我们明天吗吗?”   “圣诞节吗吗?”司克洛奇回答说。“呸!鬼话!史克鲁奇讨厌圣诞节”,他拒绝了他的侄子的邀请吃饭圣诞节。  他的侄子就走了.之后两人来到办公室,要求钱给穷人。  “呸!难道没有监狱对这些人吗吗?”司克洛奇甚至拒绝给一分钱。然后,当它的时候关了办公室,鲍勃Cratchit要求休假时,因为它就是圣诞节了。
第2个回答  2011-10-31
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