
1.be against the rule       2.hang on a minute    3.have got to do something    4.pay attention to    5.hurry up   6.work out   7.try out     8.do physics experiments 9.do sightseeing  10.obey the rules   11.above all   12.drop in 13.take the lift   14.take asightseeing tour  15.three quarters用这十五个短语造十五句句子,帮帮忙啊,今天的!

1. What you want to do must not be against the rule.你做事不能违反规定。

2. Hang on a minute, please. I'll be back in a few seconds.请(把电话握住)等一下,我一会儿就回来。

3. I have got to do my homework this Sunday.我这周日得做作业。

4. You should pay attention to your teacher in class.你上课要听讲。

5. Hurry up, or we'll be late!快点,不然我们就要迟到了!

6. Have you worked out the problem?你解决这个问题了吗?

7. She's trying out for the school play.她正在参加学校的戏剧演员甄选。

8. He likes doing physics experiments.他喜欢做物理实验。

9. Doing sightseeing is good for broadening your horizons.观光游览有助于开阔视野。

10. Children are often told to obey the rules at school.孩子们上学时经常被要求要遵守规定。

11. Above all, keep in touch. 最重要的是,保持联系。

12. I thought I'd drop in on you while I was passing.我曾想路过时顺便来看看你。

13. Let's take the lift. 我们乘电梯吧。

14. Mary wanted a take a sightseeing tour.玛丽想参加观光旅游。

15. The theatre was about three quarters full. 剧场大约坐了四分之三的人。
第1个回答  2011-10-26
You should pay attention to your behaviours.