


1992年出现军装芭比娃娃 ,她是应征加入沙漠风暴行动的见习军士。

2000年──她参加了奥运会游泳比赛 。 (1975年奥林匹克运动员芭比首次亮相)

2010年-----芭比娃娃有了自己的第215个职业:一名环游世界的摄像师。(第一项事业就是作为少年服装的模特 )

Chinglish is a phonomennon that Chinese people always make mistakes by metaphrasing Chinese into English.For example ,we students say 'good good study,day day up ' often.
Also, such kind of funny things are very common in our daily life. For example ,on the train,the meaning of “请您带好随身物品” is translated into 'Please take good personal luggage',what's more, one city called '贵阳' is translated into 'the expensive sun'.
we all know that china has a very long history of food culture,if we use our mother tongue in writting the menu ,maybe it can add some Eastern mestery for foreigners.Just like we translate the wine Brandy into "白兰地",not "烧酒" instead .
But there are many such silly mistakes of menu translation ,such as:'Fuck the Friut' refer to "坚果",and one famous plate '夫妻肺片' is translated as scary 'Man and Wife lung slice'.However,such mistakes attract foreigners in some degree ,don't you want to have a taste of “Government abuse chicken”( 宫保鸡丁)和“Chop the strange fish”(生鱼片)?
And it is interesting that Chinglish is popular in Foreign countries too . When two old friend meet, they just greet as “long time no see"(好久不见);and when they are argueing with each other ,they will kidding “give you some color to see see”(给你一点颜色看看)。
Anyway,we should avoid using Chinglish when we communicate with foreigners formly ,we need to develope a good habit into use proper grammer in our study and daily life.
第1个回答  2011-10-26
1964 barbie dolls into the university.

1965 years ─ ─ move, barbie has any of the bending can hands and feet, and their hair is called the American girl's head.

1967 years ─ ─ cosmetic, barbie's face model change, barbie look more young, pupil in the part, have at the same time called really look line of plant hair eyelash.

1968 years ─ ─ to speak, will talk of barbie come out

─ ─ 1977 barbie second facial plastic surgery, the characteristic is have a color eyelash, more healthy skin, corners of the mouth, can see the dimple snow-white bei tooth and but person smile, then barbie face no longer be other big change, and the face is called the superstar face.

Appeared in 1992 military uniform barbie dolls, she was recruited to join the trainee sergeant operation desert storm.

February 1999 ─ ─ barbie launch first record album.

─ ─ in 2000 she joined in the games swimming competition. (1975 Olympic athletes barbie appeared for the first time)

─ ─ 2001 barbie onto the big screen for the first time, starring animation "barbie and the nutcracker dream trip".

2009-50 years of barbie dolls.

2010-barbie dolls have their own 215th career: a cameraman to travel around the world. (first career as a young clothing models is
第2个回答  2011-10-26