高中英语 be of great importance怎么用,是什么意思,适用对象有什么要求,最好弄几个例句


Of +名词 相对于形容词(作表语、定语,注意都是后置),
记住译成中文的“有”、“具有”、“ 拥有”就差不多了。例如

a thoght of value 一个有价值的思想
an issue of imporatance 一个具有重要性的问题
be of obvious advantage 具有明显优势
be of sufficient strongness 具有足够的强度
be of insufficient member to do job 缺乏足够的人员去做事.

Malignant tumors are of several types 恶性肿瘤有几种类型
He is of pensionable age. 他到了(有了)拿养老金的年纪。
The boilers are of low-pressure design. 这些锅炉有着低压设计。
These products are of high quality. 这些产品拥有高质量。
He is of royal blood. 他拥有皇室血统。

The congregation is of Croatian descent.

Recycled stationary may be less white and of a rougher texture.

Both sides think of the point as of no consequence.

Marriage today is less of an ego realization and more of an economic bargain for men.
第1个回答  2011-11-10
be of great importance相当于是very important的意思,be of great+名词相当于是very+形容词的用法,例句如下
1.i am of great importance in this team
2.i am very important in this team
这2句的意思是一样的,就是说我在这个队是非常重要的。另外介词用to,be of great importance to sb or something。
第2个回答  2011-11-08
Be of great importance是非常重要,意义重大的意思。常用词组:be of great importance to对……至关重要 be of no great importance to:对……无关紧要
例句:He said that such economic reform will be of great importance to economic recovery and the goal of achieving a sustainable economic growth rate.
The question of school books to be discussed at tomorrow's meeting will be of great importance.
第3个回答  2011-11-08
be of importance = be important. be of great importance = be very important.
如:这本书非常重要。This book is very important./ This book is of great importance.
今天的知识非常重要。The knowledge today is very important./ The knowledge today is of great importance.
第4个回答  2011-11-08
be of great importance相当于very important
be of+名词 等同于 一个该名词转化而来的形容词 适用对象那就很广泛了