

What a shame! 真令人汗颜!
Take it easy! 放松点!
That's not surprising! 那没什么可奇怪的!
Go ahead. 请便!
Good heavens! 我的天啊!
I would like my money back,please. 我想要回我的钱!
Is there anything the matter? 这有什么问题吗?
There's no need to be worried. 没什么可担心的。
Is there anything eles I can do for you? 我还能为您效劳什么?
We were getting very worried.We've been anxious about you. 我们很是担心啊。我们对你很生气。
brain-wash 洗脑
housekeep 管家(动词)
baby-sit 代人临时照看婴儿
bottle-feed 用奶瓶喂婴儿
day-dream 做白日梦
a hardgoing lesson 一堂难解的课
a hard-earded money 一笔难赚的钱
a kind-heart old man 一位心地善良的老爷爷
a slow-moving vehicle 一辆行动迟缓的车
high-souding titles 夸张的标题
worn-out shoes 穿的破烂的鞋
over-cooked food 火大的食物
breast-feed 哺乳
window-shop 浏览橱窗(指无意购买)
