谁能帮我用英语翻译一下下面的文字啊 加急!!!!急!!!!谢谢啦

角色动画;骨骼绑定技术;蒙皮技术;海洋特效 还有这些 关键词

As the film entertainment industry, the game for the rapid development, computer animation technology have made significant progress. details of these cartoon and film of the late for the special effects technology, widely applied technology, animation and advertising industry and has been the concern and research organizations. in the main directed against himself in two aspects of research and exploration : the bone to skin binding techniques, process of research in binding process how to use other technical details, the technology, is an important role in the animation, the animation effect. the third dimension to the special effects technology research — — in the special effects production process, to achieve the animation, and the tone in with actual effect. the role of the animated skeletal ; binding techniques ; ; the special effects technology your skin