
that is his father改为一般疑问句
they`re my mother`s brothers改为同义句
this is her brother改为否定句
that`s his cousin变成复数
this is my grandmother abd this is my grandfa---ther改为同义句

Lily is reading a book.---Lily isn't reading a book.(be 动词)
They are good at skating.---They aren't good at skating.(be动词)
I have finished my homework.---I haven't finished my homework.(助动词)
She has been to Beijing many times.---She hasn't been to Beijing many times.(助动词)
They had had dinner before we got there.---They hadn't had dinner before we got there.(助动词)
We will go swimming tomorrow.---We won't go swimming.(助动词)
A monkey can jump.---A monkey can't jump.(情态动词)
2.如果句中没有be动词,或助动词或情态动词,则根据时态与人称加助动词don't, doesn't, didn't,动词变回原形。
I want to go to sleep.---I don't want to go to sleep.(一般现在时)
She likes apples very much.---She doesn't like apples very much.(一般现在时第三人称用does, likes变回 like)
They went shopping yesterday.---They didn't go shopping yesterday.(一般过去时所有人称和数都用did,动词went变回 go)

Lily is reading a book.---Is Lily reading a book?(be 动词)
They are good at skating.---Are they good at skating?(be动词)
I have finished my homework.---Have you finished your homework?(助动词)
She has been to Beijing many times.---Has she been to Beijing many times?(助动词)
They had had dinner before we got there.---Had they had dinner before you got there?(助动词)
We will go swimming tomorrow.---Will you go swimming tomorrow?(助动词)
----Shall we go swming tomorrow?
(复数时可以不换成弟二人称,但是will 习惯变成shall)
A monkey can jump.---Can a monkey jump?(情态动词)
2.如果句中没有be动词,或助动词或情态动词,则根据时态与人称加助动词do, does, did,动词变回原形。
I want to go to sleep.---Do you want to go to sleep?(一般现在时)
She likes apples very much.---Does she like apples very much? (一般现在时第三人称用does, likes变回 like)
They went shopping yesterday.---Did they go shopping yesterday?(一般过去时所有人称和数都用did,动词went变回 go)
She gets up at 6:00.---What time does she get up?(时刻用what time提问)
They go to school five days a week.---How often do they go to school?(频率用how often提问)
Tom likes green best.---What color does Tom like best?(颜色用what color提问)
地点--where 时间(也包括时刻)---when 原因---why 职业,东西,名字---what
哪一个---which 数量(可数名词)---how many 数量(不可数名词)、价格---how much
方式---how 长度、时间长短---how long 多久之内(用于将来时)---how soon
距离---how far 重量----how heavy 身高---how tall 等等
第1个回答  2011-12-21

1. Is that his father?
2. They are my uncles.
3. This isn't her brother. 或 This is not her brother.
4. Those are his/their cousins. (建议使用his)
5. They are my grandparents.

