

第1个回答  2013-05-20
尽管礼节的规则可能常常是不同的,但有些规则几乎全世界都一样!例如,乱扔垃圾是不允许的。如果你看见你认识的人这样做,你可以问他们,请把它捡起来好吗? Would youlower your voice?If you havesometime in an English-speakingcountry,you might hear the term"etiquette".It meansnormal and polite social behavior.At first,this seems likea difficult word,butit can be very useful to understand.Etiquettein every culture,or in every situationis not the same.For example,is talking toyouin some Asian countriesvery close to the personis very common.However,if you do this inEurope,some people might feel uncomfortable.Even inChina,we all know that etiquetteon various occasionsis not the same.Perhaps wethink thattalking loudly in our own homesis good,butin some places,talking loudly is not allowed.For example,most peopleagree thatin the library,the museum ortheatertalking loudly isrude.Even ifyou and your friendstogether,in a public placeis the bestvoice.In fact,we should pay attention not tospeak aloud in public placescoughing and sneezing.If we see someonebreaking the rules of etiquette,we may politely givethem some suggestions.Perhaps one of the most polite waysis to ask someone,would you minddoing this or would youmind not doing that.For example,if someone cuts in front of you,you can ask them,sorry,pleasequeue up please?If someone is smoking on the bus,we could ask,I'm sorry,would you pleaseput out that cigarette?People usuallydon't liketo be criticized,so wehave to be careful how we do.Althoughrules of etiquette can often bedifferent,some rulesare the samealmostall over the world!For example,littering isnot allowed.If you seesomeone you knowdoing this,you can ask them,please pick itup?