求英译中翻译达人,帮帮忙 小弟在这里跪谢了。翻译器翻译的3333333

This collection grew out of a fellowship program at the Journalism and media Studies Centre(JMSC), a teaching and researching and research unit at the university of Hong Kong. Beginning in 2001, the JMSC has hosted journalists from mainland China who spend anywhere from a week to a semester at the university, depending on the length of time they can spend away from their jobs During their time at the university, the fellows typically give public talks and seminars. They also have time to reflect, write, and share their experiences with faculty, students, and local journalists. In return, they are invited to contribute a ‘case report’ on their work to the JMSC. With the exception of the chapter on the Henan AIDS epidemic, all the chapters in this book began as first-hand case studies written by journalists directly involved in the stories.

第1个回答  2011-12-05
第2个回答  2011-12-05