


在这里“poured down ”表示大雨倾盆的意思,翻译这段话的时候一定要注意时态,整体时态为一般过去式,可以这么翻译: The rain poured down for two days. Sare and tony`s house which stand by the river was vey dangerous. Tony called sara to leave , When sare was going to leave,sundenly,he found it was too late .She was surrounded by the flood . She climbed up the roof with her baby ,rosie and monty ,at that time ,the water was deep and it was going up very fast .Sara feel very scared. After a few hours ,sare noticed his husband and agroup of people were coming here. Sare waved to them hurriedly ,then tony reached there . tony helped sare come to the boat , they hugged. 本人刚考完六级,四级高中时代就过了,虽然六级还不知道过没过,但是自认为翻译这个小文章还是···
第1个回答  2011-12-25
纯人工翻译It's been rainning for two weeks. Sare and Tony's house, the one near river, is at stake. Tony called Sare and asked her to leave. When Sare was about to leave, it's too late. She's surrounded by water. Sare climbed to the roof with two babies--Rosie and Monty. At that time the water was very deep and the water was still rising. Sare was scared. After a while, Sare saw her husband Tony coming with a group of people. Sare waved to them and they arrived shortly. Tony helped Sare to get on the boat. They hug.
第2个回答  2011-12-25
The heavy rain the next two weeks, sare and Tony in the river house is dangerous. Tony call let sare leave, sare was just about to leave when found already too late, has been surrounded by flood. Sare with baby, rosie and monty escape and climb up on the roof, water then already very deep. Water still going up, sare feel very frightened. After a while, sare saw her husband Tony and a group of people are to come over, sare wave to them quickly, and immediately, the group of people there. Tony help sare came to the ship, their arms.
第3个回答  2011-12-25
It rained for two weeks, Sare and Tony in the house by the river is very dangerous. Tony call the sare left, sare was about to leave when discovered too late, has been flood. Sare with baby, Rosie and Monty fled, climbed up on the roof, water and has a very deep. The water was rising, sare was very afraid. After a while, sare saw her husband Tony and a group of people are here, sare hurriedly waving to them, right away, that group of people to. Tony help Sare to come on board, they hug.