
1. Tom is in Grade One, Class Two.

2. It not is my bag.

3. I am in Class five..

4. -Are you Liu Fang?-No, I amn’t.

5. What are eight and six?

6.-How old is Bill? -He eleven.

7. I’m in No. 4 middle school.

8. Bill and I am at school.

9. This is our teacher. We love she very much.

10. There is a big apple in the tree.

11. Can you see a pen in picture 1? Yes, I do.

12. Where are my photoes? Can you see them? Sorry, I can’t.

13. I often play the basketball at school.

14. Let’s to play with them.

15. What’s are in the box? There are some apples.

16. There is the pencil and two pens on the desk.

17. I can’t see some books on the table.

18. I want take some books to the classroom.

19. The all boys are here.

20. —Do you have a small bag? —Yes, I have it.

21. --I think this is a good book..-- I don't think it.

22. How many potato are there in the bag?

23. Let's do our homeworks.

24. It's time for class. Let's go in the classroom.

25. Each of us have a new desk.

26. They each has a bag for sports.

27. Can you speak English? Yes, but only little.

28. He doesn't like hamburgers and chicken.

29. Our teachers are very strict for us.

30. In weekends, what time do you usually run?

31. Mike gets to home at about 4:50 in the afternoon.

32. How much is the eggs, please?

33. This skirt is 80 yuans .

34. How much is the socks?

35. How much are that pants? 

36. These shoes are twenty-three dollar.

37. Fourteen and twenty-six is fourty. 

38. Have a look for the picture. 

39. We have many bags. Do you like it?.

40. Thank a lot. You’re welcome.  

41. That’s a her black hat.

42. What’s that on English?

43. Is that you chair, Mary?

44. Is this his book? Yes, it’s.

45. Please call Mary in 394-6275

46. Does they have a computer?

47. Do you have soccer ball?

48. Let’s to go home.

49. She watch TV every day.

50. Can you see they in the room?

51. For lunch, what do Lucy like to eat?

52. His parents likes sports and games.

53. Does she likes salad?

54. She isn’t like apples.

55. My father like broccoli very much.

56. How much are these white short?

57. We have sweaters on yellow for only $15.

58. They are 7 dollar.

59. Where is my new shoes?

60. Look! These red clothes are on sells.

61. He often go to see his teacher.

62. I think it’s a exciting movie.

63. I like comedies and I don’t like thrillers.

64. I think he isn’t in Class One, Grade Two.

65. He wants to buys a new dictionary.

66. What time is it? It’s at seven thirty.

67. Please write and tell me in your morning.

1. Class Two, Grade One
2. is not
3. Five
4. I'm not
5. are改成is
6.He is eleven
7.Middle School
8. am改成are
9. she改成her
10. in改成on
11. in the picture;I do改成I can
12. photos
13. play basketball
14. 去掉to
15. 去掉are
16. 第一个the改成a
17. some改成any
18. want to take
19. All the boys
20. 去掉it 或 it改成one
21. it改成so
22. potatoes
23. homework
24. in改成into
25. have改成has
26. has改成have
27. little改成a little
28. and改成or
29. for改成with
30. In改成At/On
31. 去掉to
32. is改成are 或 eggs改成egg
33. yuan
34. is改成are
35. that改成those/the
36. dollars
37. forty
38. for改成at
39. it改成them
40. Thanks
41. 去掉a
42. on改成in
43. you改成your
44. it's改成it is
45. in改成at
46. Does改成Do
47. have a soccer ball
48. 去掉to
49. watches
50. they改成them
51. do改成does
52. like
53. like
54. isn't改成doesn't
56. shorts
57. on改成in
58. dollars
59. is改成are
60. sells改成sale
61. goes
62. a改成an
63. and改成but
64. don't think he is
65. buy
66. 去掉at
67. your改成the


第1个回答  2011-12-29
1 tom is in class two,grade one.
2.it is not my bag.
3 i am in grade five.
4 no, i am not.我只把错的给你纠正过来,其他的自己对应看吧
5. are---is
6. he is eleven
7.in ----at
8 am--are
11 do--can
13把 the 去掉 14把to 去掉 15 is去掉 16the---one 17 some -----any 18 want to 19AA the boys 20 yes, i do