假设你是秘书linda wamg ,按下列内容填写给经理john brown的电话留言,1来电APP公司MR peter margin 2 12

假设你是秘书linda wamg ,按下列内容填写给经理john brown的电话留言,1来电APP公司MR peter margin 2 12月13日上午10点30 3他下周一要去纽约,没有时间与你见面,他一样本周五上午九点半能见到你,讨论双方合作事情,你是否有空,希望你收到留言后尽早回电给他

Dear John brown
I am secretary.my name is linada wang,Peter margin will go to Nework next monday,he won't have time meet you ,he hope see you this firday morning 9:30.Discussion of the cooperation between the two sides. i will want know that you are free.If you receive a message as soon as call to mr.peter margin.
第1个回答  2011-12-18
Dear John Brown,
On December 13,At 10:30pm,The APP's MR.PeterMargin called in to say that he is going to New York next Monday, does not have the time to meet with you .He hope to see you this Friday morning at9:30.By that time to discuss the cooperation of both sides of things.He asked you that day it will be very busy, have free time ,and he hope after you receive this phone messages that you can as soon as possible to call him back .At last he hope we can cooperate very happily .

your' secretary
Linda wang