
New this year to family tax
The ATO has provided a summary of many of the tax changes that apply to families from 1st july 2011

Education tax refund – inclusion of school uniforms
The Government has changed the education tax refund to include school-approved uniforms, purchased from 1st july 2011.
Items of clothing including hats, footwear and sports uniforms approved by a school as its uniform may be claimed from 1st july 2012.

Dependent spouse tax offset phase-out
From 1st july 2011, eligibility for the dependent spouse tax offset will be confined to taxpayers with a dependent spouse born before 1st july 1971.
Taxpayers who maintain an invalid or permanently disabled spouse, support a carer or who are eligible for the zone, overseas forces or the overseas civilian tax offsets are exempt from the new age limit and will still effectively be able to claim the dependent spouse tax offset via an expanded invalid spouse, zone, overseas forces or overseas civilian offset.

Low income tax offset – changes for minors
In the 2011/12 budget, the Government stated that it will remove the ability of minors (children under 18 years of age) to access the low income tax offset to reduce tax payable on their unearned income (for example, distribution from discretionary trusts, dividends, interest, rent, royalties and other income from property)

This measure will not affect:
- Minors who are (for example) disabled, orphans, or were engaged in a full time occupation at the end of income year.
- Income earned by minors form the investment of any property transferred to them as a result of compensation payment, inheritances or marriage breakdown; or
- The ability of minors to use the low income tax offset to reduce tax payable on their earned income such as salary and wages.
Medical expenses
Taxpayers can claim a tax offset of 20% of their net medical expenses over the set threshold.
The threshold is indexed and changes each year. It is $2,060 for the 2011/12 income year (up from $2,000 for the 2010/11 income year) .

Baby bonus
The baby bonus scheme has closed. The 2008/09 financial year was the last year that it could be claimed through the tax return.
Late claims will be accepted until 30th june 2014, but they cannot be made through tax returns or by phone. Instead, to make a late claim, the taxpayer must complete the claim for the relevant year and mail it to the ATO.

Paid parental leave
Australia’s Paid Parental Leave Scheme started on 1st January 2011. Eligible working parents will receive parental leave pay (currently $589.40 a week before tax) for a maximum period of 18 weeks.


低收入税收抵消–变化对未成年人在2011/ 12预算,政府说,它将消除能力的未成年人(18岁以下儿童)访问低收入税抵消减少纳税的收入(例如,分布从全权信托,股息,利息,租金,使用费和其他财产收入)这一措施将不会影响:-谁是未成年人(例如)残疾人,孤儿,或从事全职工作结束时的一年。收入的未成年人组成的投资的任何财产转移到了他们的补偿金,继承或婚姻破裂;或-对未成年人的能力,使用低收入税抵消减少纳税的收入,如工资和工资。医疗费用纳税人可以要求税收抵消20%的医疗费用超过设定阈值。阈值是索引和每年变化。它是2060美元,2011/ 12年(从2000美元收入的2010 /11年)。婴儿奖金婴儿奖金方案已关闭。2008/ 09财政年度是去年,它可以声称通过税收回报。延迟索赔将被接受,直到六月第三十2014,但他们不能通过税收或电话。相反,做一次索赔,纳税人必须完成索赔相关的年寄到税务局。带薪产假澳大利亚的带薪育儿假计划开始于一月第一2011。合格的工作将得到父母离开父母支付(目前每周589.40美元税前)最长期限为18周。
第1个回答  2011-12-04






在2011/ 12预算,政府说,它将消除能力的未成年人(18岁以下儿童)访问低收入税抵消减少纳税的收入(例如,分布从全权信托,股息,利息,租金,使用费和其他财产收入)







阈值是索引和每年变化。它是2060美元,2011/ 12年(从2000美元收入的2010 /11年)。





婴儿奖金方案已关闭。2008/ 09财政年度是去年,它可以声称通过税收回报。


