求 结果状语从句 5个。帮忙注明,是用什么 词性或形式 做的状语 , 本人新手求照顾谢谢 O(∩_∩)O~


1. so...that...
如:He is so clever that he worked out the math problem in only two minutes.
2. such...that...
如:She is such a pretty girl that she always receives many roses on Valentine's Day.
3. so that...
如:I got up early this morning, so that I managed to catch the first bus.
即结果状语从句都是以that或so that引导的从句。

如:I returned home in a hurry, only to find my house broken into.
还有too..to..., enough to do sth, so...as to do sth等固定结构。
如:He is too young to go to school.
The problem isn't easy enough for me to understand.
She was so tired as to sleep in bed a whole day.
如:The earthquake broke out at night, causing many injuries and deaths.
如:The cup dropeed on the ground, broken into pieces.
The old man fell off the tall building, dead.
Mike is too busy, most of his work left undone.


第1个回答  2012-02-13
He is old enough to go to school.不定式做
he is so carless as to make so many mistakes in the exam.同上
He hurried to the station ,only to find the bus had left.同上,这种结果是没有预料到的。
Tom passed the exam,making his parents happy.现在分词做
The book is so interesting that we all like to read it .从句做
I got up late this morning so that I was late for school.同上。