

1、Contact with other disabled yachtsmen of like mind would be helpful.(联系一下其他具有同样想法的残疾帆船赛手是会有帮助的。)
2、In the event that you are mentally or physically disabled,who will provide custodial care and who will pay for it?(一旦你精神或身体残疾了,谁会为你提供看护?又有谁会承担看护费用呢?)
3、Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people.(这些工具多数已经过特别改装,供残疾人使用。)
4、His caretakers labelled him severely disabled.(他的看护人说他严重残疾。)
5、There is a lack of adequate provision for disabled students.(为残疾学生提供的服务不够。)
6、Each group had a task to raise money for the disabled.(每个小组都有一项为残疾人筹款的任务。)
7、There are toilet facilities for the disabled.(有供残疾人使用的盥洗设施。)