用junk food写一篇英文作文,(200字左右)


Lollies, soft drink, potato chips, hot chips, ice cream, and hamburgers, hot dogs and other kinds of take away food are called junk food.

What's wrong with junk food?

Too much fat! Junk foods such as hamburgers, pizza, fried chicken and chips usually contain loads of saturated fats. Too much saturated fat in the diet will cause people to put on weight and get fat or obese (very fat). Being overweight is a risk to the health of the heart and can cause other diseases.

Too much salt! Junk foods often have too much salt. There's a lot of salt already in foods such as bread, breakfast cereals and biscuits and cakes. So people are getting more salt than they need when they eat junk food. Too much salt is unhealthy for the heart.

Too much sugar! Soft drinks, cordials, biscuits, cakes and lollies all have loads of sugar. That's what makes them taste so good! But too much sugar makes people fat, rots the teeth, is bad for the blood and may cause other diseases.

Should people eat junk food?
Junk food does have some of the good things that the body needs for good health. And the body needs some salt, fat and sugar for energy to burn while we work and play. However too much fat, sugar and salt is bad for our health and eating lots of junk food will overload your body with these things.

It is probably OK to eat junk food sometimes! But people should look for foods that are low in fats and salt and sugar. Choose grilled fish and chicken rather than fried, fish burgers instead of beef, grilled lean beef burgers, and vegetarian pizza and pizza with seafood instead of fatty meat type pizza.

Eat lots of fresh foods, healthy foods most of the time. Choose to eat junk food only now and again.
第1个回答  2023-03-09

unk food is a term used to describe food that is high in calories, low in nutrients, and generally unhealthy. While it may be convenient and tasty, consuming too much junk food can have serious negative effects on our health.

One of the main problems with junk food is that it often contains high levels of saturated and trans fats, which can lead to heart disease, obesity, and other health problems. In addition, junk food is often high in sugar, salt, and artificial flavors and preservatives, which can further contribute to poor health outcomes.

Despite these risks, many people continue to consume junk food on a regular basis. This may be due to factors such as convenience, low cost, or simply a lack of awareness about the risks associated with consuming too much junk food.

However, there are steps we can take to reduce our consumption of junk food and promote healthier eating habits. These include choosing whole, natural foods such as fruits and vegetables, limiting our intake of processed foods, and making an effort to cook and prepare our own meals whenever possible.


In conclusion, while junk food may be tempting, it is important to recognize the risks associated with consuming too much of it. By making a conscious effort to choose healthier options and limit our intake of junk food, we can promote better health and well-being for ourselves and our communities.