

第1个回答  2022-10-28
问题一:抢凳子用英文表达 抢凳子get stool 我的生日的时候,朋友们送我篮球,书,还有“大富翁”棋,我们举行了“抢凳子”游戏和猜谜比赛!My birthday when my friends gave me a basketball, books, as well as Monopoly" game, we held a get stool games and puzzle games!

问题二:抢凳子游戏规则用英语怎么介绍 1. 于是,各组组员们开始忙活了,大家开始抢凳子了。 One team is ordered to put all chairs near the door; 2. 教师拿四把椅子,请四位同学上台,教师说出游戏规则,并发出指令,四位同学抢凳子。 Now, Let's play a game. I will call four students. Who can try and put up your hands.

问题三:抢凳子游戏规则用英语怎么介绍 Game rules:
1, props: Chair (dining chair); music amplifier (the referee to solve their own)
2, the game the way: start the game first chairs round (according to the number of minus one calculation, namely 6 pendulum 5), then each team personnel outside the stool surrounded by a circle, the referee playing music participants along a circular clockwise or counterclockwise running (note not to jump the queue, the mand of the referee).
3, when the music pauses, participants to quickly grab a chair to sit down, did not grab the chair of the contestants to be eliminated, and then e up with a chair, followed by *** ogy, selected the final winner.

问题四:请问 抢凳子 这个游戏怎么用英文翻译 musical chairs
n. 抢座位游戏

问题五:抢椅子的英文 musical chairs,Music chair,get the chair ;

问题六:抢椅子 英语 怎么讲 Musical chairs 抢椅子

问题七:急:谁能帮我把“抢凳子”这游戏的规则翻译成英语?谢谢啦Orz 1. 于是,各组组员们开始忙活了,大家开始抢凳子了。 One team is ordered to put all chairs near the door; 2. 教师拿四把椅子,请四位同学上台,教师说出游戏规则,并发出指令,四位同学抢凳子。 Now, Let's play a game. I will call four students. Who can try and put up订your hands.

问题八:英语中用来表达抢椅子那首歌叫什么名字 《Do Somethin‘》 - Britney Spears

问题九:抢凳子的英文是musical chairs,为什么又叫going to Jerusalem(去耶路撒冷)? Going to Jerusalem is a Bible game that is based upon the New Testament.