

problem[5prCblEm]n.问题, 难题problemprob.lemAHD:[pr¼b“l…m] D.J.[6pr%bl*m]K.K.[6pr$bl*m]n.Abbr. prob.(名词)缩写 prob.A question to be considered, solved, or answered:问题:应该考虑、解决或回答的问题:math problems; the problem of how to hem a skirt evenly.数学问题;关于如何给裙子镶平整的边的问题A situation, matter, or person that presents perplexity or difficulty:疑难问题:使人迷惑或感到困难的形势、事情或人物:urban problems such as traffic congestion and smog; the philosophical problem of evil.See Usage Note at dilemma 诸如交通拥挤和烟雾的城市疑难问题;关于罪恶的哲学难题参见 dilemmaadj.(形容词)Difficult to deal with or control:难对付的:难以处理或控制的:a problem child; problem customers.难以管理的孩子;难对付的顾客Dealing with a moral or social problem:社会问题的:处理道德或社会问题的:a problem play.一部关于社会问题的剧本Middle English probleme 中古英语 probleme from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin probl¶a probl¶mat- 源自 拉丁语 probl¶a probl¶mat- from Greek 源自 希腊语 from proballein [to throw before, put forward] 源自 proballein [前置,放在前面] pro- [before] * see pro- 2pro- [在…之前] *参见 pro-2ballein bl¶- [to throw] * see g wel…- ballein bl¶- [扔,投] *参见 g wel…- problem来自希腊语 problema 被抛在前面的东西。pro 前+ballein 抛problemconundrumenigmaissuemysteryperplexitypuzzlequestionsolution
第1个回答  2011-08-31
No problem没问题
There are some problems to cut the tree.要砍掉这棵树有点麻烦。
The machine is in problem.这台机器出了点故障。

第2个回答  2013-03-08
第3个回答  2011-08-31
第4个回答  2011-08-31
问题 麻烦