平台:FC = Family Computer = 红白机
SMB/SMB1 = Super Mario Bros. = 超级马里奥兄弟 = 超马一代
SMB2J = Super Mario Bros.2 The Lost Levels = 超级马里奥兄弟2日版/金牌马里奥
SMB2U = Super Mario Bros.2 USA = 超级马里奥兄弟2美版
SMB3 = Super Mario Bros.3 = 超级马里奥3 = 超马三代
平台:SFC = Super Family Computer
SMW = Super Mario World = 超级马里奥世界 = 超马四代
MP = Mario Paint = 马里奥绘图(PS:现在常指其中的音乐制作部分及据此改编的软件)
SMRPG = Super Mario RPG = 超级马里奥RPG = 超马RPG
平台:GB = Game Boy
SML = Super Mario Land = 超级马里奥大陆
SML2 = Super Mario Land 2 = 超级马里奥大陆2
平台:GBC = Game Boy Color
SMBDX = Super Mario Bros. Deluxe
平台:GBA = Game Boy Advance
SMA = Super Mario Advance
SMA2 = Super Mario Advance 2
SMA3 = Super Mario Advance 3
SMA4 = Super Mario Advance 4
MLRPG = Mario & Luigi RPG = Mario & Luigi - SuperStar Saga = 马里奥与路易基RPG = 马里奥与路易基:超级明星传奇(特别鸣谢:unknown0616) = 马路RPG
平台:N64 = Nintendo 64
SM64 = Super Mario 64 = 超级马里奥64 = 超马64
PM64 = Paper Mario 64 = 纸片马里奥64 = 纸马64
MK64 = Mario Kart 64 = 马里奥卡丁车64 = 马车64
SSB = Super Smash Bros. = 任天堂明星大乱斗 = 任斗
NSMB = New Super Mario Bros. = 新超级马里奥兄弟 = 新马
MKDS = Mario Kart DS = 马里奥卡丁车DS = 马车DS
MPDS = Mario Party DS = 马里奥聚会/派对DS = 马聚DS
MLRPG2 = Mario & Luigi RPG 2*2 = Mario & Luigi - Partners in Time = 马里奥与路易基RPG2 = 马里奥与路易基RPG:时光中的伙伴 = 马路RPG2
MLRPG3 = Mario & Luigi RPG 3!!! = Mario & Luigi - Bowser's Inside Story = 马里奥与路易基RPG3 = 马里奥与路易基:库巴体内的故事(本人自行翻译) = 马路RPG3
平台:GC = Game Cube = 游戏方块(误)
SMS = Super Mario Sunshine = 超级阳光马里奥 = 阳马
PM-TTYD = Paper Mario - The Thousand-Year Door = 纸片马里奥:千年之门 = 纸马千年门
MKDD = Mario Kart - Double Dash = 马里奥卡丁车:双重冲刺 = 马车双重冲刺
MP4 = Mario Party 4 = 马里奥聚会4 = 马聚4
MP5 MP6 MP7 以此类推
SMG = Super Mario Galaxy = 超级马里奥银河 = 马银
SMG2 = Super Mario Galaxy 2 = 超级马里奥银河2 = 马银2
NSMBWII = New Super Mario Bros. Wii = 新超级马里奥兄弟Wii = 新马Wii
MKWII = Mario Kart Wii = 马里奥赛车Wii = 马车Wii
SPM = Super Paper Mario = 超级纸片马里奥 = 超纸马 = 炒芝麻(误)
SMX = Super Mario X = 超级马里奥之未知世界
SMBX = Super Mario Bros. X = 超级马里奥兄弟X
MF = Mario Forever = 永远的马里奥
YI = Yoshi Island = 耀西岛
MP = Mario Party = 马里奥聚会
SMXP = Super Mario XP = 超级马里奥XP/恶魔城超级马里奥
SMW = Super Mario War
MFG = Mario Forever Galaxy = 永远的马里奥银河
MKF = Mushroom Kingdom Fusion = 蘑菇王国·融合