


1. 问候用语:在日常交流中,你可以使用主语+be动词(如am, is, are)+表语的形式,如 "Hello, I am fine."

2. can的用法:用于表达能力或许可,如 "Can you speak English?"

3. 询问姓名:直接提问 "What is your name?"

4. 一般过去时:谈论过去的情况,如 "She was a teacher."

5. may的用法:表示请求或许可,如 "May I use your pen?"

6. 谈论国籍:如 "He is from China."

7. 一般现在时行为动词:描述习惯或常态,如 "I work at a bank."

8. should和ought to的用法:强调建议或义务,如 "You should study harder."

9. 谈论职业历史:"He used to be a doctor."

10. must和have to的用法:必须或不得不,如 "You must hand in the homework on time."

11. 介绍引见:"I shall introduce you to my friend."

12. had better的用法:建议,如 "You had better get some rest."

13. used to的用法:过去常常,如 "She used to live in New York."

14. 致谢及回应:感谢可以表达为 "Thank you, you're welcome."

15. would rather的用法:宁愿,如 "I would rather stay at home today."

16. 道歉及回应:道歉可以是 "I'm sorry, please forgive me."

17. will be的用法:表示未来计划,如 "I will call you later."

18. SO的用法:表示因果关系,如 "It's hot, so I'll have a drink."

19. 道别:"Goodbye, have a nice day."

20. have got的用法:拥有,如 "I have got a new phone."

21. 谈论天气和气候:"I would like to have a warm day."

22. have的用法:表示状态或完成动作,如 "I have finished my homework."

23. 谈论时间与日期:"We have a meeting at 2 PM."

24. need的用法:需要,如 "You need to bring your ID card."

25. 谈论他人:使用"Please"引导,如 "Please pass me the salt."

26. do的用法:用于强调,如 "Do you understand?"

27. Talking About Things:讨论事物的特征,如 "The car is red and fast."

28. 道贺:祝贺成功,如 "Congratulations on your graduation!"

29. help的用法:请求帮助或提供帮助,如 "Can you help me with this problem?"

30. 谈论工作:描述工作性质,如 "She works as a software engineer."

31. like的用法:喜欢或偏好,如 "I like coffee, but she likes tea."

32. Talking About Weekend:规划周末活动,如 "I usually go hiking on weekends."

33. wish的用法:表达愿望,如 "I wish you good luck."

34. 地名词汇表和补充词汇表:提供丰富的词汇资源以扩大语言词汇量。
