

1. The word "made" can be used in two different ways, either "be made from" or "be made of." The former indicates that something is composed of a certain material or substance, and the original material is usually not apparent. The latter also conveys the same idea but is used when the material can be visually recognized or is known.
2. For example: "Synthetic fibers are usually made from petroleum." This means that synthetic fibers are primarily created using materials derived from petroleum. In another example, "What is your bracelet made of? It's made of gold." Here, the material used to make the bracelet is clearly identified as gold.
3. Therefore, the correct translation for "这件衬衫是棉质的" would be "This shirt is made of cotton." The use of "made of" indicates that the shirt's material is cotton, which is a material that can be visually identified.