求分析英语句子成分。主谓宾定状补。以及这里为什么so because连用?

However,many others fail to do so because the transition from a student to an employee is actually full of challenges.

这是主从复合句。so 是主句中的状语,because 是引导原因状语从句的连词,它们分属不同的意群。具体的语法结构如下:
主句. Many others fail to do so 许多其他人未能这样做成
[主语]many others
[谓语]fail to do
原因状语从句 because the transition from a student to a employee is full of chanllenges 因为从学生到雇员的转换充满了挑战
[主语] the transition from a student to an employee (from a stundet to an employee 是后置定语)
[表语]full of chanllenges
第1个回答  2019-10-04
However, many others fail to do so because the transition from a student to an employee is actually full of challenges.
However, many others主语; fail to do so宾语; because引导原因状语从句; the transition 从句主语;from a student to an employee从句补语; is 从句系动词;actually full of challenges.从句表语。
第2个回答  2019-10-04
so adv. (指刚说过的事物)这样,如此
used to refer back to sth that has already been mentioned.

句中,你断句断错了,many others fail to do so// because...(原因状从)