


0x0000007B (等同于新式蓝屏表示代码 BCCode: 1000007B)
现在人们都用ghost版的操作系统,比较新的ghost盘是不存在这个问题的。关于人们找不到IDE这项的问题,因为很多主板标明这项的措辞不太一样 有些写着AHCI和Compatibility,这个AHCI就等于是SATA模式,Compatibility相当于IDE模式。(xyz5819 意念时空)
(xyz5819 意念时空)
错误名称 0x0000007B:INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE (xyz5819 意念时空)
故障分析 0x0000007B错误表示Windows在启动的过程中无法访问系统分区或启动卷。这个错误一般是因为Windows的系统分区存在磁盘错误或文件错误,主板的SATA或IDE控制器驱动程序受到了损坏或安装不正确,计算机遭到了病毒、木马、间谍软件、广告软件、流氓软件等恶意程序的攻击等原因引起的。(xyz5819 意念时空)
如果遇到0x0000007B错误,建议首先执行磁盘扫描程序对所有的磁盘驱动器进行全面检测,看看磁盘驱动器是否存在磁盘错误或文件错误;其次请执行安全防护类软件对计算机进行全面检查,看看计算机是否遭到了病毒、木马、间谍软件、广告软件、流氓软件等恶意程序的攻击;最后请为Windows重新安装一下主板驱动程序提供的SATA或IDE控制器驱动程序;另外,如果是在为计算机更换了主板之后遇到0x0000007B错误,这是因为新主板与旧主板采用的SATA或IDE控制器的芯片不同引起的,请尝试重新安装Windows,然后重新安装一下适合新主板使用的SATA或IDE控制器驱动程序。(xyz5819 意念时空)
0x0000007B:INACESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE (xyz5819 意念时空)
◆错误分析:Windows在启动过程中无法访问系统分区或启动卷. 一般发生在更换主板后第一次启动时, 主要是因为新主板和旧主板的IDE控制器使用了不同芯片组造成的. 有时也可能是病毒或硬盘损伤所引起的. (xyz5819 意念时空)
◇解决方案:一般只要用安装光盘启动电脑, 然后执行修复安装即可解决问题. 对于病毒则可使用DOS版的杀毒软件进行查杀(推荐 KV2005 DOS版下载). 如果是硬盘本身存在问题, 请将其安装到其他电脑中, 然后使用"chkdsk /r"来检查并修复磁盘错误.
更多帮助请LZ去微软帮助和支持>http://support.microsoft.com/?ln=zh-cn 里输入具体蓝屏代码进行查询.(xyz5819 意念时空)

第1个回答  2011-12-01
如果您的电脑可以进入“带命令提示符的安全模式”,可以使用"Chkdsk /f /r"命令尝试进行修复文件错误;
第2个回答  2011-11-30
第3个回答  2011-12-01
Google CEO's Eric Schmidt's off-the-cuff answer that people who don't want their homes photographed for Google Street View should "just move" raises the question: Move where? Just where on this planet are you safe from Google's prying eyes?In a CNN interview on the Parker Spitzer show,moncler jassen, Schmidt made this comment about people who don't want their homes photographed by Street View:"With Street View, we drive by exactly once, so you can just move."He later told Computerworld that he mis-spoke, and that anyone who wants their house removed from Google Street View can request that Google remove it.If he did, in fact,uggs online bestellen, mis-speak, it was a Freudian slip. Schmidt has made it clear time and time again that he believes that Google should have access to virtually any information it wants about people --- and that's a good thing not just for Google, but the people whose privacy has been invaded as well.His vision of the future is one in which Google knows what people think before people know it themselves --- and then Google tells them what they should be doing next in their lives. Here's what he had to say in August how Google will react when the Google search box will "no longer will be at the center of our online lives":"We're trying to figure out what the future of search is. I mean that in a positive way. We're still happy to be in search,Timberland botas, believe me. But one idea is that more and more searches are done on your behalf without you needing to type."I actually think most people don't want Google to answer their questions. They want Google to tell them what they should be doing next."The Wall Street Journal, which did the interview, explained it this way:Let's say you're walking down the street. Because of the info Google has collected about you, "we know roughly who you are,Timberland botas, roughly what you care about, roughly who your friends are." Google also knows, to within a foot,ugg boots greece, where you are. Mr. Schmidt leaves it to a listener to imagine the possibilities: If you need milk and there's a place nearby to get milk, Google will remind you to get milk. It will tell you a store ahead has a collection of horse-racing posters, that a 19th-century murder you've been reading about took place on the next block.As Computerworld's Sharon Gaudin notes,canada goose jakker, he has a long history of these kinds of comments about Google and people's privacy, including these gems:"We know where you are... with your permission. We know where you've been with your permission. We can more or less guess what you're thinking about."You don't even have to be using a Google service for Google to track you. The company's ad network uses a technique called behavioral marketing, or remarketing, to track what you do on the Web, and then target ads at you based on that. You won't even know Google's watching, because you're not at a Google site.A New York Times article about the practice notes:Google began testing this technique in 2009, calling it remarketing to connote the idea of customized messages like special offers or discounts being sent to users. In March, the company made the service available to all advertisers on its AdWords network.For Google, remarketing is a more specific form of behavioral targeting, the practice under which a person who has visited NBA.com, for instance, may be tagged as a basketball fan and later will be shown ads for related merchandise.So how can you get out of Google invading your privacy? The company's reach is so pervasive, that to take Schmidt's answer on the Parker Spitzer show to its natural conclusion, if you want to escape from its prying eyes, you can just move...to Mars.


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第4个回答  2011-11-30
7B一般是磁盘引导出了问题 你修复一下引导吧