人教新目标 八年级上册 Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake教案


Period One
Ⅰ. Teaching contents
Section A 1a 1b 1c
Ⅱ. Teaching aims and demands
Learn to describe a process and follow instructions.
Ⅲ. Teaching key and difficult points.
1. Vocabulary : turn on , cut up , drink , peel , pour , put , blender , shake.
2. Target sentences: How do you make a banana milk? Peel the bananas; cut up the bananas; put the bananas and the ice-cream in the blender; Pour the milk into the blender; Turn on the blender.
Ⅳ. Teaching methods
watching , listening , writing methods; Pair work
Ⅴ. Teaching aids
a tape recorder; a projector
Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Warm up / revision

1. Enjoy a movie and relax

2. Revise the names of some food.
Like: vegetables , meat , fruits, drinks.

Step 2. The key vocabulary
1. Discuss where people usually have meals and where the foods are from.(home-cooing , take-away food)

2. Discuss what food people make . (Some people like to cool body by making food at home, especially in summer. The weather is too hot. So people make some food to cool body.)
• banana milk shake
• fruit salad
(Possible :popcorn , sandwiches , pancake)

3, Learn how to make a banana milk shake.
• Teach the names of all items. Point to the pictures of the items and ask students to repeat.
• Focus on the pictures . Ask the students to tell what they see in each picture. Describe each action and ask students to repeat the following:
Peel the bananas, cut up the bananas,
Put the bananas and ice-cream into the blender. Pour the milk into the blender, turn on the blender, drink the shake
4. Ask students to write the names of the actions on the black lines. Then check the answers.

Step 3. Listening
1. Point to the actions in the picture and the list of actions in 1b. Ask different students to look at the picture and tell what is happening.

2. Play the recording for the first time. The students only listen. Then listen again, number the instructions
Step 4. Practice using the target language
1. Pair work . Ask students to start their conversations like the sample conversation.

2. Try to talk about how to make an apple milk shake.

Step 4. Homework
1. Review the words.
2. Try to make a banana milk shake or an apple milk shake for parents at home.
Related exercises in class
1. First (peel/ pour) three bananas.
2. Then (turn on / cup up ) the apples.
3. (Drink/ Put) the bananas in the blender.
4. (Put/ Turn on ) the blender.
5. (Pour / Peel/ drink) the milk shade.
II. 单项选择
6. Some factories pour the dirty water the river.
A. into B. in C. to
7. It’s dark in the classroom. the lights, Li Lei.
A. Turn on B. Turn off C. Open
8. Here are some apples and bananas, please .
A. give to Peter them
B. give them to Peter
C. give Peter to them
9. Mary is tea for her guests at home.
A. cooking B. making C. doing
10. — Can I help you, sir? — Yes, I’d like five and some peas.
A. potatos B. Meats C. bananas Purposes for the designs




学习课本P41 1a



