龙行十八式长嘴壶茶艺表演 要导游词哦?


第1个回答  2012-02-29


第一式  蛟龙出海 第二式  白龙过江 第三式  乌龙摆尾

第四式  飞龙在天 第五式  青龙戏珠 第六式  惊龙回首

第七式  亢龙有悔 第八式  玉龙扣月 第九式  祥龙献瑞

第十式  潜龙腾渊 第十一式 龙吟天外 第十二式 战龙在野

第十三式 金龙卸甲 第十四式 龙兴雨施 第十五式 见龙在田

第十六式 龙卧高岗 第十七式 吉龙进宝 第十八式 龙行天下

第2个回答  2012-03-03
  18 Dragon-style "is called" living fossil "of the Chinese art of tea ceremony. According to legend, the Dragon 18-style "is created by the Northern Song Dynasty monk, master of Zen Hui-Jie Lu Kiyonaga when Mengding spread to the late Qing Dynasty, it gradually lost. It combines a traditional tea ceremony, martial arts, dance, Zen and easy management of a furnace, each style to imitate the action of the dragon, full of mystery Philosophic Theory.
  In the past, as the monks practice a lesson, "Dragon 18" type Mengding monks spread gradually introduced into civil until the Qing Dynasty. Dragon 48-style "financial traditional tea ceremony, martial arts, dance, Zen, easy management in a furnace, full of mystery Philosophic Theory, the action of each type are imitation of the dragon, the type style Longxing cloud move, Zhao Zhao Jing Chi Lang Ben dizzying, heart rapture.
  Mengding Dragon 48-style

  The first one the second type of sea dragon White Dragon River The third type own goal put the end

  Fifth type of the fourth type Soaring Dragon playing with a pearl sixth-style surprise Long look back

  Loc eighth type of seventh-style the Yulong buckle months ninth dragons watched in delight as

  X-type potential outside the 11th type Dragons Dragon Yuan twelfth war dragon opposition

  XIII-style fourteenth type of dragon Resurrection Longxing rain Shi XV-style Dragon in the field

  The sixteenth-style dragon lying Gao Gang seventeenth-style the Jilong into eighteenth-style Dragon world

  China is the hometown of the world tea Sichuan but more the hometown Mengding of Chinese tea is the birthplace of tea culture in the world, from the era of Shen Nong's "Shen Nong tasted a hundred herbs, the case of 72 drugs, a solution of tea." to the Tang Dynasty palace etiquette, tea first "to the Qing Dynasty, the Yangtze River water, Monsanto top of tea", and both are the expression status of tea in the lives of the people. Throughout the ages, on board the Royal Palace, the art of the people under the lead only - 18 Dragon-style tea! You, thank you本回答被网友采纳