
Nowadays in China,people are not willing to help strangers or give change to beggars for fear that they're cheated.To make matters worse,series of scandals about charity organizations,like Guo Meimei and Lu Meimei,have robbed people of their confidence in some organizations.词数100左右。要自己写的,用翻译软件翻译的就不用了!

Charities all over the world are more and more organised.Simply the world today are more and more like a big society, Although wars are still happening in every corner of the world, the rest of the world's population are now more and more civilised. People's love are now reaching out much further than before. They reach so far that they care about other parts of the world people's hardships. Reaching out to help whenever and wherever a disaster had struck which needed help urgently.People in the developed countries will jump to help and give money or donate any which they can give away.
But what about China? Well,since it had become the world's second largest economy. Chinese people are richer then ever before. They also had set up charity organisations just like the rest of the world. Unfortunately, the management of these Chinese charity organisations are poor. They don't operate as well as those in the western world. Therefore, they aren't so popular at all. Simply people just don't trust them. And often wonder where are the money had gone to? Things had got even worse after the the latest scandals of these charities.
But should the Chinese people stop their donations all together? No! certainly not, we can't let one or two individual cases to put us off from doing something right. People out there are still crying for help. Charity works should carry on at all costs no matter what. So, don't just stand there, offer your help!

第1个回答  2012-02-17
Charity is voluntary giving of help, often in the form of money, to those in needs. It has nothing wrong with charity itself; whereas, in these scandals, people who run a charity organization in China abused the authority of managing and using these money. This is in regard with morality and crimes thus people involved in the case should be sentenced with sanctions. However, The public is more concerning about who hired them to manage the money, why they got hired, what institution is responsible for the implementation and monitoring the money in charity organizations and who would be in the future management. As long as the Government gets these questions answered, people will rebuild their confidence in charity organizations
第2个回答  2012-02-18
The charity business is increasingly popular in China. But there are some unexpected things happening to the charity.I think helping others is a pleasure ,which can make us feel our responsibility and the value of ourselves. It also can show a strong tie between people.It is better to give than to receive.Everyone can get into trouble in some way ,in which case he needs help badly .So we should always think we can also be in that case. Therefore we should offer help to others as much as we can because helping others is actually helping ourselves.