


圣诞节 Christmas

基督教节日,定在12月25日,纪念耶稣的诞生。公元336年在罗马就有庆祝活动,定在12月25日极可能与庆祝冬至日和正义之神密特拉神的生日有关。寻欢取乐、互相馈赠礼物的习俗源自12月17日的农神节。古罗马人在新年(1月1日)用青枝绿叶和灯火装饰房屋,并向儿童和穷人赠送礼物。日耳曼人和凯尔特人带来了燃烧大块柴木、品尝糕饼、陈放枞树等礼俗。圣诞节现在已被视为家人团聚的节日,因圣诞老人(参阅圣尼古拉[Nicholas, Saint])给儿童带来礼物之故。圣诞节逐渐发展为世俗节日,许多非基督徒也加入到庆祝的行列。


Christian festival celebrated on December 25, commemorating the birth of Jesus.

December 25 had already been identified by Sextus Julius Africanus in AD 221 as the day on which Christmas would be celebrated, and it was celebrated in Rome by AD 336. During the Middle Ages Christmas became extremely popular, and various liturgical celebrations of the holiday were established. The practice of exchanging gifts had begun by the 15th century. The Yule log, cakes, and fir trees derive from German and Celtic customs. Christmas today is regarded as a family festival with gifts brought by Santa Claus (see St. Nicholas). As an increasingly secular festival, it has come to be celebrated by many non-Christians.