They produced a new record in 1996, with which they celebrated their former time as a real band.

这里为什么用with which来引导定语从句?为什么用with?

with which = with the new record这里with表示“以...",表示celebrated的方式或伴随状语,其它介词没有这个功能啦
补充:整个是一个包含有限制性定语从句的主从复合句。把定语从句单独拉出来改写一下更好理解:they celebrated their former time as a real band with the new record . 但若这样写的话容易引起误解,所以就把with the new record 提到句首,来引导从句了。
第1个回答  2012-01-03
they produced a new record in 1996. They celebrated the new recorde with their former time (or record?) as a real band. (与他们之前的时间(记录?)一起,他们像一只真正的乐队一样庆祝这一新纪录(的产生))。
抛开本句逻辑上是否合理不说,就纯语法而言,which 指代 the new recorde,因此从句中的with不能省略。
此处with which的用法看上去像倒装,但是为什么倒装我不能说明白。但是如果从句是which they celebrate with their.....也没有错。个人觉得。追问

celebrate with是短语搭配吗?