

母亲,是世界上最伟大、最崇高的人了。 我从呱呱坠地开始,便沐浴在母爱的阳光中。为了把我抚养好,一个母亲能做到的她都做到了。给我印象最深,使我倍加感激的是母亲那和蔼、真挚的微笑。我有了进步,她微笑着表扬我;我有了过失,她微笑着批评我;我骄傲自满时,她微笑着给我泼点凉水;我颓废失意时,她微笑着给我添点动力……我是在母亲微笑的甘露浇灌下茁壮成长起来的一株小树,我是在母亲微笑的春风拂煦下绽开的一朵小花。追答

Mother, is the world's greatest and most noble people. I start from birth, they bathed in maternal sunshine. To me a good upbringing, a mother can do she did. What impressed me the most, so I was doubly grateful mother that kind, sincere smile. I made progress, she smiled and praised me; I have fault, she smiled and criticize me; my complacency, she smiled and gave me cold water poured point; decadent frustrated me, she smiled and gave me the power to add point ... ... I was smiling mother nectar poured grow up under the strain of trees, brush Xu I was under a flower blooming in spring mother smiling

第1个回答  2015-07-30
  Mother, is the world's greatest and most noble people. I will be born from the beginning, bathed in the love of the sun. In order to bring me up, a mother can do it all. Give me the deepest impression, all the more grateful is the mother of the kind, sincere smile.
  I have made some progress, she smiled and praised me; I have a fault, she smiled and criticize me; I am proud to be complacent, she smiled to the point I poured cold water; I am frustrated decadence, she smiled and gave me power point tim... I am in the mother's smile mannose watering grow up a little tree, I was in the spring breeze of mother smiles bring warmth of a flower bloom.