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1. 我会说是的,她这麼做会让我们松口气( truth set us free) ,因为至少Sister Helen可以尝试让这个罪犯悔改,和知道自己的过错, 这样的态度会比较抚平受害者家人的心灵. 在电影的结尾,他终於招共了,我的感受是比他还没招共之前的感受还要好,虽然招共 并不能改变他杀人的事实,但至少让他死的比较有尊严,而且总算能给受害者的家人一个完整的交代了.

2. Sister Helen 发现她站在这个受害者家人的面前,立场是很彆扭和尴尬的
我认为我可以理解这个原因,因为她自己是个修女,但却担任谋杀者的心灵辅导者,并且反对死刑 ,但她一方面又关心这个受害者的家人,又想帮助他们.但她却不能. 我认为Sister Helen 没有责任和义务去帮助受害者的家人, 因为我认为受害者的家人不会愿意去接受她的帮助,更何况Sister Helen的主要责任和义务是 让那个罪犯悔改和知错.

3. 如果我是一个宗教人员,坦白说,我不会愿意去做犯人的牧师,尤其是死刑犯, 因为死刑犯,罪刑重大,罪大恶极, 已经超过牧师所能做的了, 顶多我能帮的只有为他祷告而已. 如果说我是一个律师,我还是不愿意去为一个已经定了罪的犯人辩护 , 特别像是杀人犯和强奸犯, 因为如果我为他辩护,对受害者和受害者的家人是不公平的,没有人愿意犯人得到宽恕,定了罪的犯人就像是罪有应得,应该接受他们的惩罚.

1. 我会说是的,她这麼做会让我们松口气( truth set us free) ,因为至少Sister Helen可以尝试让这个罪犯悔改,和知道自己的过错, 这样的态度会比较抚平受害者家人的心灵. 在电影的结尾,他终於招共了,我的感受是比他还没招共之前的感受还要好,虽然招共 并不能改变他杀人的事实,但至少让他死的比较有尊严,而且总算能给受害者的家人一个完整的交代了.
I will say what she does may truly set us free, because at least Sister Helen could try to make the criminal repent, which will console the victim's families. At the end of the film, the suspect finally confessed. I think the criminal will feel much better than not doing so. Though what he did cannot change the fact that he had killed someone, he can die with dignity. And also he can give an answer to the victim's families.
2. Sister Helen 发现她站在这个受害者家人的面前,立场是很彆扭和尴尬的
我认为我可以理解这个原因,因为她自己是个修女,但却担任谋杀者的心灵辅导者,并且反对死刑 ,但她一方面又关心这个受害者的家人,又想帮助他们.但她却不能. 我认为Sister Helen 没有责任和义务去帮助受害者的家人, 因为我认为受害者的家人不会愿意去接受她的帮助,更何况Sister Helen的主要责任和义务是 让那个罪犯悔改和知错.
Sister Helen finds that she's standing in front of the victim's families is awkward and embarrassing. I think I can figure out the reason. It's because on one hand, she's a nun, and the murder's psychological counselor and she also opposes death penalty. On the other hand, she cares about the victim's families and wants to help them, but she can't. In my opinion, Sister Helen has no responsibility and obiligation to help the victim's families. And they are not willing to receive her help either. What's more, it is to make the criminal confess and repent that is Sister Helen's responsibility and obligation.
3. 如果我是一个宗教人员,坦白说,我不会愿意去做犯人的牧师,尤其是死刑犯, 因为死刑犯,罪刑重大,罪大恶极, 已经超过牧师所能做的了, 顶多我能帮的只有为他祷告而已. 如果说我是一个律师,我还是不愿意去为一个已经定了罪的犯人辩护 , 特别像是杀人犯和强奸犯, 因为如果我为他辩护,对受害者和受害者的家人是不公平的,没有人愿意犯人得到宽恕,定了罪的犯人就像是罪有应得,应该接受他们的惩罚.
If I were a religious, to be frank, I would not to be a prison chaplain especially for condemned criminals. Because condemned criminals are guilty of the most heinous crimes, which has beyond a chaplain's power. What I can do for them is pray. If I were a lawyer, I would not defend for a convicted criminal, especially the murder and the rapist. If I do so, it is not fair to the victim and he or she's families. Nobody is willing to see a criminal to be forgiven without punishment. They deserved the punishment for what they have done.

第1个回答  2011-10-11
(1) I will say, the reason that she has done sets us free,because that Sister Helen can try making the criminal repent and understand the mistake of him at least,and this attitude maybe makes the victim's family undone. Finally,he makes a confession of his crime at end of the film.I feel better after he confesses even though this manner can't change anything,but it can makes him have more dignities when he dies,and also gives a answer to the family of the victim.
(2)Sister Helen feeled embarrassed when she found that she standed before the family of the victim.I think I can understand the feeling, just not she is a psychological counselor of the criminal,but also opposes to executive death penalty.On the other hand, she wanna care them and help them,but she can't.I think for her,there is no responsibility to help them,because I think the family of the victim can't accept the help from Sister Helen,and the maintain job to Sister Helen is making the criminal repent.
(3)To be honest, if I am a religious people, I don't wanna be a priest of the criminal,especially the condemned criminal,because he makes severe crime and has exceeded what the priest can help,so I can only pray for him.If I am a lawyer,I don't also wanna defend for criminals , especially the manslayer and the rapist,because it is unfair for the victim and his or her families.No one would like to condone the criminal. The criminal who is criminated should deserve their punishment.