
花开了,然后又会凋零……星星是璀璨的,可那光芒也会消逝。这个地球、太阳、 这整个银河系、甚至连这个宇宙,也会有消灭的时候。人的一生和这些东西相比,简直就像是刹那间的事情。在这样的一个瞬间,人降生了,笑着、哭着、战斗、伤害、 喜悦、悲伤、憎恶、爱...... 然后步入死亡 一切都只是瞬间的邂逅,而这些都从未离开常、乐、我、净的涅盘境界,都要归入永久的长眠……

Flowers, and then will fade. The stars are shining, but the light will fade away. This earth, the sun and the entire galaxy, and even the universe, will be eliminated at the time. The life and these things than it is like the transience of things. In such a moment, the people of the Nativity, smiled, crying, fighting, hurt, joy, sadness, hatred, love ...... then entered killed everything is instantaneous Encounter, which are often never left, music, I, the net realm of Nirvana, all those permanent resting place ...