
body-mass index, or BMI, takes both weight and height into account when assessing whether an individual is underweight or overweight.BMI varies directly as one's weight, in pounds, and inversely as the square of one's height, in inches. in adults, normal values for the BMI are between 20 and 25.a person who weights 162 pounds and is 71 inches tall has a BMI of 22.59.what is the BMI, to the nearest tenth, for a person who weights 127 pounds and who is 66 inches tall?

when the temperature stays the same, the volume of a gas is invesely proportional to the pressure og the gas. if a balloon is filled with 72 cubic inches of a gas at a pressure of 14 pounds per square inch, find the new pressure of the gas if the volume is decreased to 12 cubic inches.

