

China was one of the longest history countries in the world. We have many traditional cultures. Wedding ceremony is a part of culture.

Last day was the date of my classmate’s wedding that was the same class in primary school. She was the first one to get marry; I got a surprise at first. And also it was the first time as myself to receive invitation. It said:” Inviting Lin and BF go to XXX…” I really found I was grown-up, not only body but also age. I am old enough to get marry now.(I also feel may be I am the last one to get marry.)

If you want to enjoy a Chinese traditional wedding, you must prepare money, time and capacity for alcohol.

There are many steps of wedding: Presentation of Betrothal Gifts, Send Dowry, Installation of new bed, Hair Dressing Ritual,Tea Ceremony and Home Coming Ritual. For example ,in the first step- Presentation of Betrothal Gifts, bride should pay :

Money, usually ends in $9, $99 or $999 (meaning forever!), put in the Tie Box
Jewelry, such as a pair of dragon-phoenix bangles
Tie Box, containing lai-see, dried loongans, dried lychees, walnuts, peanuts, lotus seeds,
 cypress leaves, sesame, red & green beans, red dates, a pair of dragon-phoenix candles,
Dried mushroom, “fat-cai”(dried black moss), dried seafood such as dried abalones, dried shrimp, dried scallops, dried squids, etc., in combination of 4,6 or 8.
Western cake coupons and Chinese cakes or cake coupons

See, that is just a part of wedding, it really needs huge of $.

Inviting friends and relatives to have dinner is a traditional and normal way to show public that U are doing wedding now. My classmate invited us to a Chinese restaurant. There were about 200 people to attend. And every attendances would gave a sum of $ as gift to couple. $ is not everything, but in China if U give other kinds of gift, U also had to give $ at last.

Having a drink of alcohol is another way to celebrate wedding. Couple will go to every table to cheer up. There were 20 tables yesterday. Our table was the last one. So we have enough time to prepare playing tricks on bride. We put chicken’s arse, a lot of spice and soy, and lots of un-known thing into alcohol. I was sure it must be a bad drink. But at that time, the bride was drunk, so my classmate took most of this drink. I was afraid of her, but finally I thought they were couple in law, so they had duty to share happiness and woe from each other. I hope they will live to old age in conjugal bliss.

I felt I was nearly drunk tooooooooo.
第1个回答  2011-08-12
《Chinese Wedding》
The Chinese wedding planning started with western style early this century. New couple find with professional sever their wedding could be easier and more wonderful. But after several years people are cheesed of flower, champagne and cake. Formulized wedding is not accepted by young people who are seekig individuality. Like Chinese eminent writer Lu Xun said 90 years ago, “National consciousness dominates. ” This is the reason why Chinese wedding starts to be popular.
Chinese dress is famous for its eminent fabric, fancy embroidery and accouterment. After thousand year evolvement Chinese dress infuenced its neighbour countries like Korea and Japan. Most dresses for wedding are red, which is also the color for happiness.
Gorgeous dresses, lineal proprieties and the respect to tradition will make your wedding a unique memorable one, and this is also one way to understand Chinese history.

第2个回答  2011-08-12
On the wedding day, the groom sets out to the bride's home accompanies by an elder member of his famili and some of his friends.He will be blocked at her door by her friends, and the bridesmaids will play door game with the groom and his attendants. The bride and groom will then leave her home and proceed to meet the groom's parents for Tea Ceremony. The wedding date ceremony ends with a feast which features elaborate Chinese wedding food.

Chinese style wedding

China was one of the longest history countries in the world. We have many traditional cultures. Wedding ceremony is a part of culture.

Last day was the date of my classmate’s wedding that was the same class in primary school. She was the first one to get marry; I got a surprise at first. And also it was the first time as myself to receive invitation. It said:” Inviting Lin and BF go to XXX…” I really found I was grown-up, not only body but also age. I am old enough to get marry now.(I also feel may be I am the last one to get marry.)

If you want to enjoy a Chinese traditional wedding, you must prepare money, time and capacity for alcohol.
第3个回答  2011-08-12


