
星期日,8.21的下午4:00前要 帮忙找下:高中生可以使用电脑的原因,也就是使用电脑可以怎么样,有什么优点?(用英语啊!!!!!!!)


1, can help students to check the knowledge, solve problems
2, broaden their horizons, broaden their knowledge
3, early contact with the community to understand the social situation, the community took to pave the way for the future
第1个回答  2011-08-19
第2个回答  2011-08-19
As computers are becoming more and more popular, the computer into almost all of the industry, play a decisive role. It has become in today's society to normal operation of an indispensable tool in the modern life, computer plays such an important role, people dependent on computers is so high, I really can not imagine, without the computer what life would be like. It is her very wide range of applications. Divided into 1, 2, 3 numerical data processing, real-time control 4, computer aided design ( CAD ), 5, pattern recognition 6, entertainment and games 他的汉语意思是:随着电脑越来越普及,电脑几乎进入了所有的行业,扮演着举足轻重的角色。它已经成为当今社会得以正常运行不可缺少的工具,电脑在现代人的生活中占据着如此重要的地位,人们对电脑的依赖性如此之高,真不敢想象,没有了电脑生活会变成什么样子。 它的好处在于她的应用范围 非常广泛。分为 1、数值计算 2、数据处理 3、 实时控制 4、 计算机辅助设计(CAD) 、5、模式识别 6、娱乐及游戏