Torque motor 是什么电机 Three-phase torque motor made in china有吗


你讲的是力矩电机下面是英文介绍The torque motor we produced was widely used in the industries ,such as textile .paper making ,latex.plastic,wire and cable etc.which need to convolute the products on a rurnplate,as well as in the infudytries.In order to maintain the uniformity lf tension of ,the running rate and torque lof dish should be changed uninterrupted To fulfill this mechanical requirement,we specially designed and manufactured this torque three-phrase asynchronous.It has the advantages lf rational structure,high efficiency,well cheracteristic,long life-span and wide applicable bound etc.Henan xinxiang hengtong electrical motor manufacturing。中文网上多了。有图片及现场使用图。主要用于收放卷设备。

第1个回答  2016-04-27