

第一篇 后接名词或动名词的动词

1. to abandon doing… 放弃干某事

2. to anticipate doing…期望干某事

3. to begrudge doing…抱怨干某事

4. to catch someone doing…撞见某人干某事

5. to contemplate doing…打算干某事

6. to deny doing…否认干某事

7. to enjoy doing…喜欢干某事

8. to escape doing…逃避干某事

9. to feel like doing…觉得想干某事

10. to grudge doing…不愿意干某事

11. to mind doing…介意,不愿意干某事

12. to pardon someone’s doing…原谅某人干某事

13. to regret doing…后悔干某事

14. to resent doing…讨厌干某事

15. to resume doing…重新,恢复干某事

16. to shirk doing…躲避干某事

17. to stop doing…停止干某事

18. to waste time doing…浪费时间干某事

19. to admit doing…承认干某事

20. to be busy doing…忙于,忙着干某事

21. to defer doing…推迟干某事

22. to detest doing…讨厌,痛恨干某事

23. to entail doing…使干某事成为必要,必须

24. to evade doing…躲避,逃避干某事

25. to finish doing…完成干某事

26. to involve doing…牵涉干某事

27. to mean doing…意味着,意在干某事

28. to relish doing…享受,爱好干某事

29. to resist doing…反对干某事

30. to risk doing…冒某事之险,冒险干某事

31. to spend time doing…花时间干某事

32. to suggest doing…建议,提议干某事

33. to advocate doing…倡导,主张干某事

34. to avoid doing…避免,逃避干某事

35. to delay doing…推迟,拖延干某事的时间

36. to dislike doing…厌恶干某事

37. to envisage doing…设想干某事

38. to excuse doing…谅解干某事

39. to loathe doing…厌恶,讨厌干某事

40. to mention doing…提到干某事

41. to miss doing…错过干某事的机会

42. to postpone doing…延缓干某事,推迟干某事

43. to spend one’s life doing…终身干某事

44. to tolerate doing…容忍干某事

45. can’t help doing…情不自禁干某事

46. it is no use doing…干某事没有用

47. can’t stand doing…忍受不了干某事

48. can’t face doing…不能面对干某事

49. can’t stick doing…不能忍受干某事

50. it no good doing…不值得干某事,干某事是没有好处的

第二篇 后接介词ON和动名词的动词

51. to be bent on doing…专心致志地干某事

52. to be keen on doing…喜欢干某事,渴望干某事

53. to compliment someone on doing…赞扬某人干某事,恭维某人干某事

54. to count on doing…指望干某事,依赖干某事

55. to embark on doing…开始着手干某事

56. to gamble on doing…打赌(投机,冒险)干某事

57. to insist on doing…坚持主张干某事

58. to pride oneself on doing…以干某事而自豪(自感得意)

59. to rely on doing…信任干某事,依赖干某事

60. to spend money on doing…花钱干某事

61. to be intent on doing…专心地干某事,决心要干某事

62. to calculate on doing…打算干某事,指望干某事

63. to concentrate on doing…专心于干某事

64. to congratulate someone on doing…祝贺某人干了某事

65. to depend on doing…依靠干某事,依赖干某事

66. to focus attention on doing…集中注意力干某事

67. to harp on doing…反复干某事,不厌其烦干某事

68. to make a start on doing…开始干某事

69. to reckon on doing…寄希望于干某事

70. to set one’s heart on doing…渴望干某事,下定决心干某事

第三篇 后接介词FOR和动名词的动词

71. to account for doing…解释干某事,说明干某事

72. to answer for doing…对某事负责,担保干某事

73. to arrest someone for doing…因某人干某事而被逮捕

74. to admire someone for doing…羡慕某人干某事,钦佩某人干某事

75. to apologize for doing…对干了某事表示道歉

76. to be celebrated for doing…以干某事而著名,出名,驰名

77. to be in the mood for doing…有心情干某事,想干某事

78. to be renowned for doing…因某事而著称,出名
第1个回答  2007-07-13
我们所学的是suggest doing sth,具体的原因是英语在一千五百年的发展与演变中形成的,同时也包括一些英语语言学家的发明与创造逐渐形成了这种语言习惯,才导致这样的固定搭配。本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2007-07-13
第3个回答  2007-07-13
suggest doing sth,建议做某事
虚拟语气:suggest that sb (should) do
第4个回答  2007-07-13
我们老师就教我们suggest doing sth.的