

Trees can regulate the climate, purifying the air, wind noise, is a man's best friend. Trees are oxygen factory. A hectare of forest can absorb one ton of carbon dioxide for 1 days, release 0.73 tons of oxygen trees are dust filter. When the airflow containing a large quantity of dust through the woods, as wind speed decreases, dust particles in the air in a larger decrease rapidly. In addition, some trees epidermal downy or can secrete a grease, they can put the dust adhering to the body, so that through the woods of air dust is greatly reduced. The trees are sterilization at. Many trees can secrete kill factor in the growth process, kill various pathogenic bacteria caused by dust. According to the survey, the amount of bacteria per cubic meter of air, the department store is 4000000, Avenue 580000, the park is 100, while the forest only 55. The amount of bacteria in the air and the department store in the difference of more than 7 times. In addition, trees or natural reservoir and natural air conditioning
树木是氧气制造厂。一公顷阔叶林1天可以吸收一吨二氧化碳,释放出 0.73吨氧气
树木是杀菌能手。许多树木在生长过程中会分泌出杀茵素,杀死由粉尘带来的各种病原菌。据调查,每立方米空气中的含菌量,百货大楼为400万个,林荫道上为58万个,公园里为100个,而林区只有55个。林区与百货大楼空气中的含菌量相差7万多倍。此外,树木还是天然蓄水库和天然空调 。
第1个回答  2013-03-28
树木可以净化空气 Trees can purify the air
树木可以防洪 Trees can flood control
树木是天然蓄水库和天然空调 Trees are the natural reservoir and natural air conditioning
树木可以防止水土流失和土地荒漠化 Trees can prevent water loss and soil erosion and land desertification本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-03-28
Trees contribute to us?