

“开阔视野”的英文可以说quotbroaden one#39s horizonsquot单词解释1broaden 英 #712br#596dn 美 #712br#596dnvt vi使变宽,扩展 放宽 扩大 加宽 2horizon 英 h#601。
开拓眼界开拓视野broaden,expand one#39s horizons 打开眼界widen one’s horizon 巴黎的服装广告使他大开眼界The advertisements of costume in Paris broadened his outlook这真使我开眼界What an eyeopener it’s bee。
开拓眼界开拓视野broaden, expand one#39s horizons 打开眼界widen one’s horizon 巴黎的服装广告使他大开眼界The advertisements of costume in Paris broadened his outlook这真使我开眼界What an eyeopener it’s。
扩展视野widen one’s horizonbroaden one’s mind 例Reading is the best way to widen my horizon读书是我拓宽视野的最好方式A good friend is like a window to the clean and new world by which I。
绝对纯正地道说法 expand one#39s horizon 一般开拓不用名词,可能需要调整一下句子的结构,如果说用expansion one#39s horizon, 听起来怪怪的。
widen my sight例句Newspaper as good reading materials can widen our sight and richen our knowledge 多读报,多受益开阔视野,丰富知识,学习流行词语和英语最新发展widen my horizon例句Reading is not only。
四horizons眼界 范围 地平线 horizon的名词复数 界限 五insight顿悟 领悟 洞察力,洞悉 直觉,眼光 六例句1其次,我喜欢沿途交友,并与他们交谈,这样能开阔视野,增长见识Second, I enjoy making。
“开阔视野”是名词词组用expanding horizons “开阔视野”是动词词组用expand one#39s horizons或者widen one#39s knowledge。
enrich my knowlegde,enlarge my scope,cultivate my interest。
broaden our views ,extend our vision,expand our horizons,broaden the spectrum。
I think travelling is geatIt can not only reduce your pressure in your life but also can broaden your horizons,enlarge your views and injected new vitality into the lifeI look forward to this meaningful。
A,打开 或者也可以用broaden。

胸襟breadth 境界level 口语化了视野Vision,view。
开拓视野,增加知识的翻译是Expand their horizons and increase their knowledge。
broaden our horizons,cultivating the capability of living independently。
Reading can broaden your view, expand your thinking and increase your experience。