

1. **邮件(Email)**
- 问候语
- 原:Dear [Name],
- 改:Dear [Name],
- 开场白
- 原:I hope this email finds you well.
- 改:I trust this message reaches you in good spirits.
- 目的
- 原:I am writing to follow up on our previous conversation.
- 改:This email is a follow-up to our recent discussion.
- 结尾
- 原:Thank you for your time and consideration.
- 改:I appreciate your attention to this matter.
2. **报告(Report)**
- 引言
- 原:The purpose of this report is to...
- 改:This report aims to...
- 发现
- 原:The data suggests that...
- 改:Our findings indicate that...
- 建议
- 原:We recommend that...
- 改:It is suggested that...
- 结论
- 原:In conclusion, we believe that...
- 改:In summary, our findings suggest that...
3. **简历(Resume)**
- 联系信息
- 原:Name: [Your name]
- 改:Name: [Your Full Name]
- 目标
- 原:Objective: To obtain a position in...
- 改:Objective: Seeking a [Position] role at [Industry] to contribute my expertise in...
- 摘要
- 原:A highly motivated and skilled professional with experience in...
- 改:Dynamic and results-driven [Profession] with [Number] years of experience in...
- 经历
- 原:Work experience: [Company name], [Position], [Duration]
- 改:[Position] at [Company name] | [Duration]
- Responsibilities: [List of responsibilities and accomplishments]
- 技能
- 原:Proficient in [List of skills]
- 改:Skilled in [List of skills], with proficiency in...
- 语言
- 原:Fluent in [Language]
- 改:Language Proficiency: [Language], Fluent