
1 Jenny and li Ming get the train.

2 This sweater is expensiver than that dress.

1 Jenny and li Ming get the train 这句话所要表达得意思为珍妮和李明上了车或者下了车。应改为Jenny and li Ming got 【on / off 】the train.已经乘了车或者已经下了车,故要用过去式。get on/off 为固定短语 意为 上车/下车。
2 This sweater is expensiver than that dress.这句话所要表达的意思是这件毛衣比那条裙子要更贵些。应改为This sweater is more expensive than that dress. 这里是将毛衣和裙子作比较,故要用比较级,而expensive 是多音节形容词,它的比较级必须要在其前面加上more(“更”)构成,不能再后面直接加上er,最高级也如此。
第1个回答  2013-03-16
1 Jenny and li Ming get 【on / off 】the train.

2 This sweater is expensiver than that dress. -->
This sweater is more expensive than that dress.

(expensive 是多音节形容词,其比较级需在前面加more构成,而不能直接在词尾加 -er 或 -r构成。)
第2个回答  2013-03-16
1 get 后面加on
get on 上车。

2 expensiver 改为 more expensive

expensive 不能直接加er
第3个回答  2013-03-16
1. Jenny and li Ming get (on)the train.

2 This sweater is( expensiver 改为 more expensive )than that dress.
第4个回答  2013-03-16
get on 上(车), get off ,下(车)
more expensive
第5个回答  2013-03-16
Jenny and li Ming get on / off the train.
This sweater is more expensive than that dress